Question 3 Due 2/28

Using the MAD-GLAD-SAD approach, determine the tone of your book. You can classify your whole book, or a portion you read this week during class. Determine first the overall tone, is it mad, glad, or sad. Then choose the word from the worksheet that best fits the tone you have chosen. Be specific about why you chose this particular word to describe your choice for tone. As always be sure to include the title of your book.

Question 2 Due 2/21

Pick out a passage that strikes you as particularly profound, interesting, makes you think or upsets you. If the passage is really long then focus on one smaller part, the essence of it. Why of all the words and passages in this book, did you choose this one? What is the author's message, and what does it mean to you? If this question makes you think of a book you have previously read, use that one. Always be sure to include the title of your book in the answer.

Question 1 Week of 02/07 - 02/14

What would life be like if you were best friends with the protagonist of your book? What kind of life does he or she lead? Would this be a positive or negative relationship? Would your family and friends approve of this person? Be specific.

Books I want to read

  • Geography club

Who is John Galt?

Who is John Galt?

MY semester challenge

  • Eternal
  • Catching Fire
  • Hunger Games

Books I've read for pleasure

  • Lonesome Dove
  • Atlas Shrugged All time favorite
  • Lord Loss
  • Cathching Fire 01/30/10
  • Hunger Games 12/01/09

Books I've read for school

  • Speak (Honors 9th)
  • Things Fall Apart (World Lit)
  • Of Mice and Men (Honors 9th)

Books I recommend

  • Hunger Games and Catching Fire

